Where is home?
This is not a review. This is a personal post.
Something a little different for me, but I like to sometimes vent a little and post things on more of a personal note. This way I am able to vent and others can also relate and maybe take some positive advice from it.
I have always lived with my Mum and up until I turned 18 I used to go to my Dads every second weekend. I didn't stop going to my Dads every second weekend because I didn't enjoy it, I LOVED it.. I just found it hard to keep visiting when I had work on weekends and a social life.
Dads house was always a good getaway as he lives a minute walk away from the Port Melbourne Beach. I like Port Melbourne as its so relaxing yet so city! But as my Dad lives with his partner and her family, living with him was never an option (wasn't a room for me to live full time).
My Mum was quite gypsy like as I was growing up, I have literally lived in SO many places I could forget. I have been too 3 primary schools & 3 high schools. But from about 13 too currently, I've lived in Melton (eh I know). If you're unaware of the town Melton, heres a description;
A 40 minute drive from the CBD, located on the outer Western Suburbs. Melton is a fast growing 'city' that is the home of many.... uh well, ferals. Im going to put it honestly because thats exactly how I feel. The potential of the town is just fantastic but the people that live here just ruin it all.
To give you a bit of an example of why a lot of locals in Melton are feral I'll tell you some events that have been happening in my town as of lately..
Just last week there were two shootings in Melton; a man shot in the face & another man attempted to shoot someone at the petrol station. Also last week, my house mates car was stolen from the front of our house. Her LOCKED car was stolen... From out the front of our home.
The list of horrible events go on and on and on, and too conclude my thoughts of this town is- I hate it.
About 6 months ago my Mum moved in with her current partner. This meant moving to Inverleigh, a small country town about 20 minutes from Geelong. This also meant I was left to be independent and live with house mates. This was so very new too me but I have adapted fine. It has taught me a lot of life lessons and I'm really thankful for that.
But like I said, I really just hate my location. At times I feel unsafe and everything around me is just so negative. I am a person who cannot live around negative things or negative people, my environment is so very important too me.
Staying at my Mums farm as a little getaway has just be so lovely. I love being surrounded by nature and surrounded with beautiful animals. Staying on Acrege makes me miss the privacy that you get when living on a farm. Not having to listen to your next door neighbours every move and being able to just do whatever you like (also the fact that my car wouldn't get stolen from out the front of the farm).
An the conversation about me possibly moving here has come up. An then I ask myself, would I make the BIG move?
- Boyfriend wouldn't move away from home
- Would not see my boyfriend often as he has commitments back home
- Missing my boyfriend
- Travelling to the city for events could be extremely time consuming
- Leaving my job
- Far from shopping, duh
- Social life
Obviously the main factor is leaving my boyfriend. So all thats on my mind is whats more important? Being happy in my environment or, my relationship.
My relationship means everything too me, but so does my happiness and surroundings.
Ah, my problems..
So my advice to others;
Follow your heart, sounds corny but so true. Your mind can tell you a thousand things, but the feelings in your heart will never lie.
Your environment is so very important. If you feel in danger or just really, really unhappy then MOVE. Make a change, even if its a big one. It will truly be worth it and your whole mindset and attitude will change when your happy.
But what I still can't figure out myself is; Where is home?
Is it with your family? Is it simply just where you are happy?
For now I will continue to live when I am currently, but moving will forever be on mind.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Where is home?
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Clean Treats by Charlie de Haas
Its the Instagram trending hashtags!
Clean Treats are becoming more and more well known,
as Charlie de Haas continues to dominate.
The health coach, author, speaker and skin expert has created
an amazing brand; clean treats.
This woman truly is an inspiration. To have at least one of her job roles,
I would be so proud, let alone all of her job roles!!!
I was so happy when I received an email from Charlie herself,
asking if I would like too review her Clean Treats.
Hell yeah I would, I thought to myself!
I love trying new healthy products and reviewing them,
its one of my favourite things to review.
But why are Charlies Balls (clean treats) so great you ask?
Well charlies ball are Gluten, dairy, refined sugar, preservative
& guilt free....
These healthy, happy balls are the perfect addition to your day.
I was sent three delicious flavours of Charlies Balls!
- Cranberry coconut love balls
- Peanut Butter muscle balls
- Chocolate nut love balls
Cranberry coconut love balls were my fav! So much flavour
and its 100% gulf free. I find these clean treats perfect for when
you get home from a tiring workout at the gym &
you feel like a bit of a snack.
All of the orders have a used by date on the package,
and a hand written description of everything ordered.
This gives the perfect touch, and really shows how much love,
time and care goes into the making of these products.
Clean Treats not only have the very popular charlies balls but also;
slices, cakes and pro muffins!
I am also very pleased to announced that Clean Treats
will have a stall at the Arnold Classic!
I'll be sure to stock up on all of my favourite
Clean treats products!!!
To order, see a full list of products and everything else Clean treats visit their website;
Haystac Blogger event
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Barkers of Geraldine
- Low calorie
- 50% less sugar than regular Barker's Blackcurrant
- Rich source of vitamin C
- No artificial sweeteners
- Natural source of antioxidants
- No preservatives
- No added colour or flavour
- Gluten free
- Contains Honey. Honey contains bee pollen which can cause severe allergic reactions.
- New Zealand: all good supermarkets
- Australia: Coles
Anathoth Farm
After opening, the tub is to go in the fridge, and to be kept refrigerated.
To see a full list of all of the Anathoth Farm products, recipes, history, to purchase the products & all other handy information visit the website below!
In conclusion, I must tell my readers that this really is a brand you can trust. Its one of those brands that you can read every single ingredient thats been put in, and exactly how its been made. Their are no dodgy secrets and ingredients, its all natural and every single product is made with love and care!
I totally recommend going out and trying this relish or even one of Anathoth farms other products. Personally I can't wait to try the jams, they look amazing!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
I love that, pure scents inspired by our world; Different smells created too remind you of a certain place somewhere in the the world.
- Tango: romantic and sensual
- Oracle: mystical and meditative
- Shaman: uplifting and dynamic
- Starlet: feminine and enticing
- Greek Island: timeless and tranquil
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Just Bedding!
- - 1D
- - Anne Stockes
- - Annoying Orange
- - Cubby House Kids
- - Da Vinci
- - DG37
- - Hiccups
- - Hyde Park
- - Hyundai A-League
- - Jiggle & Giggle
- - KAS au
- - Kooky
- - KS studio by KAS
- - Logan & Mason
- - Me to You
- - Plaxton & Wiggin
- - Platinum Collection
- - Sheridan
- - Shuteye
- - Tontine
- - Tranquility
- - Ultima
- - Whimsy
Friday, February 20, 2015
empower - nourish - create
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Where to buy your stationery!?
Is it just me, or is stationery shopping the funnest thing ever?
Studying might not be quite as fun... but at least buying stationery FOR study is fun, right?
There's something about buying new stationery that gets me so excited and motivated to get into studying, I just love this time of year.
But the question is, where do we shop for the best stationery!?
In past year I've always shopped at Office works for my stationery. Office works always have the best of the best and none of that "no brand name" type of cheap stationery. But after many years of buying from Office works for school stationery I've realised that its nothing but a waste of money.
The other day I walked into Office Works and was just shocked at their prices, it was crazy expensive. Heres a link to their website:
(All though I must admit, Office works have awesome desks)
So this year I've decided to sort of downgrade for my stationery shopping.
But first I HAD to have a look at Typo, one of my favourite shops I like to waste money. It seemed like an obvious option to shop at Typo seemings as I get 50% off their with my Cotton On discount card. Typo had a new Lunar range out, with all galactic and space related stationery. This didn't really appeal to me all though I loved the new notebook with three internal pockets, an a universe picture on the front cover. Have a look at the link here to see what I purchased:
$12.95 full price, but I got 50% off. As well as that purchase, my partner chose a few notebooks too!
He brought the thin notebooks that have less pages then the ones with pickets and dividers.
Anyway all together we paid $20. My opinion? Not really worth it, very over priced even WITH my 50% discount, I can't imagine paying full price! Besides the price though I'm happy with my purchase :)
Then we decided to have a look in BIG W for things like pens and stuff. This was a great idea!!! I am very impressed with BIG W's prices and range.
When it comes to pens I can't cheap brands as they always run out of ink quickly or just don't feel comfortable when writing. I love pen brands such as BIC and paper mate & Big W and all of those very cheap! But then.... I had to go down the book isle didn't I!
An then I regretted shopping at Typo because the prices were solo cheap at Big W. The binder notebooks with lots of internal pockets and heaps of pages were only $5, BARGAIN.
So make sure you check out Big W, won't regret it. If I had've had a look around before buying at Typo first, I would've brought all of my stationery at Big W.
Have a look at there website:
I wish everyone good luck studying this year and remember to stay motivated and don't give up!
Long hard work pays off and in the end you will be very proud of yourself.
Hope my stationery advice helps if you haven't already shopped around :)
Homemaker glass jug blender
Homemaker- 1.5L Glass Jug Blender
K-marts catalogue:
Thanks too K-MART for another good buy! I love finding a worthy K-mart bargain, and yet again I have! K-mart has brought out stacks of amazing Home ware in there new catalogue so I thought I'd get down their and have a bit of a shop, an how could I not when its so god dam cheap.
I had a $100 voucher too spend, so it was a hard decision to narrow it down to a few products.
This is what I brought (all which have been great purchases);
- New bed cover set $10
- Two new pillows $13
- New rug $29
- An of course the Home maker 1.5L Glass Jug Blender $29
ALL of that an I still had a little bit of money left over. What a bargain!
But I was very excited to test out my new blender, as my old one was having troubles blend properly.
Every morning I have a smoothie so its really important I have a good blender if I'm going to be using it every single day. But right now I can't financially buy one of those really really expensive blenders that'll last you a life time (good investment but).
So the $29 Home maker blender will have to do me.
An its perfect, gets the job done great!!
Of course for the people who have troubles setting things up, theres instructions but its super simple and will take you like 30 seconds.
The blender is a glass blender, which I really prefer. It has 2 speeds and a pulse, an a handy plastic lid which can easily be altered too poor your drink. For $30 I find the Home maker blenders quality fine, and its really doing the job great.
I have seen a few bad review on this Home maker blender a few years ago, and it even had a recall for being faulty BUT K-mart has obviously fixed this issue and is now selling a very good blender that has fantastic quality. If you're wanting to read a review don't bother with anything that is past 2014.
I recommend visiting K-mart asap if you're wanting trendy home ware and you're on a budget. They have so many cool things out at ridiculously good price.
Thank you K-mart! I will never stop shopping at K-mart as they've always made me a happy customer.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Travel Expo 2015 Melbourne
The Travel Expo!
I was so excited to attend this exhibition that I even went on my birthday.
We got up nice and early and set off to Melbourne Exhibition Centre.
Personally I hadn't seen much hype about this specific exhibition. I had only been told about it by my local travel agent. But before visiting I did some research online and there was some very exciting companies attending.
The companies that I were interested was Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Contiki and I was keeping an eye out for different volunteer companies.
The travel expo was great to attend for exclusive deals. If you were looking to book a holiday and put down a deposit and SAVE then it was a fantastic opportunity. It was also great for gathering information, but the deals were only that weekend. Unfortunately I couldn't book a holiday as the people I wanted to travel with weren't able to book then and there because of there financial situation.
I was so shattered because Carnival Cruise lines had some awesome deals!
They had half price deposits, free upgrades and cheap deals. It was perfect because i've been wanting to go on a cruise for ages now.
For those who love cheap deals and budgets I suggest always looking online at last minute cruise deals. Its a perfect way to save but you have to be flexible to be able to leave in the matter of say 2 weeks or a month. So if you do want to save that bit of money on a cruise deal, then save save save and maybe even take work of a specific date. Keep looking online and a last minute deal will come up!
The reason they have such cheap deals a couple weeks before the cruise is so that they can fill spots on the cruise.
I personally think that a cruise would be fantastic, and have heard from so many others as well.
There is so much onboard entertainment and some of those cruise ships are HUGE.
All of your meals are included, as well as your entertainment. You just have to bring spending along for alcohol if you chose or activities for when you arrive at a certain destination.
So unfortunate that I didn't get too book on the day and save, but I did get a LOT of information. I came home with I think 12 different books and it just made my travel motivation 10x as big.
The Travel Expo also had a lot of competitions to win different things such as vouchers and even a holiday to south africa!!!!
Oh boy, who ever wins that will be one lucky soul.. (pick me, pick me!!)
Personally I think that Expos are great!! They're so fantastic to motivate you to do something, save on products, get loads of informations and just have a great entertaining day!
For upcoming expos visit this website:

Evies everything hair, beauty & fashion
- Melbourne, Australia Sharing my opinion and creating reviews on "everything beautiful". Writing is a passion of mine and I'm forever wanting to try and experience new things too share with others. I'd love to hear from you, Enjoy!
Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs My much needed blissful night away Why have I never visited this beautiful place before?- Is what I ...
DERRIMUT GYM 24:7 (Caroline Springs) Believe in yourself I am a current member at Derrimut gym & have been for 3 years, and I WI...
Homemaker- 1.5L Glass Jug Blender K-marts catalogue: http://www.kmart.com.au/catalogue?cm_re=Home+Page-_-Top+left-_-LivingCat11...
Oh do I love a smoothie! I've been searching around for a convenient little smoothie maker before I went away on my little trip to mild...
What a great brand, again from the beautiful NZ. After 45 years, Barker’s of Geraldine is still on a corner of the family fa...
MOOCH + ME empower - nourish - create Mooch & Me is beyond a beautiful brand, selling Candles (soy wax) & body scrubs. ...
simple ingredients. nothing more, nothing less Beautiful, beautiful New Zealand. A place that I can almost call home. I have a lot...
Nutella Protein Squares treat yourself to something that good for you Lately I've been extremely naughty with snacking and eating n...
Designer Nappy Bags for Mums by Syndalia https://syndalia.com Whether you're stepping out to do the weekly shopping , or y...
Melbourne Zoo- GiveAway 2 Family Passes to be won! Haven't yet visited the Melbourne Zoo? Well you now have the chance to WIN...
- Where is home?
- Clean Treats by Charlie de Haas
- Haystac Blogger event
- Barkers of Geraldine
- Anathoth Farm
- WIN A DOUBLE PASS x2 TO: Red Dress
- Scentcillo
- Just Bedding!
- Where to buy your stationery!?
- Homemaker glass jug blender
- Travel Expo 2015 Melbourne
- Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs
- Potato Head Bali
- Sharing the love in Bali
- BALI- Visit an orphanage
- Bali Safari and Marine park
- Glamour Affair 2015
- Padma Resort, Bali- Legian
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