Monday, April 20, 2015
Iphone 6 plus review
Sorry I just need to share with the world how excited I am about this brilliant phone.
I've always been an Apple person, and couldn't use a phone other than an iPhone now (well I could be I choose not too).
Believe it or not, I was about 10 years of age when I got my first phone, and it was one of those super cooper cool Coca Cola phones. I was the coolest kid at school, but who knows why my mum gave me a phone at that age. From age 10 till now, I have always been a prepaid kind of gal.
I have never trusted myself with a phone plan, especially when I hear of people getting into debt because of their phones. But then suddenly my mindset changed and I thought...
I earn my own money, I am in control with what I spend, I save, so I can bloody go on a phone plan if I chose and well, that is what I did.
An if you're going to splurge and get in a spending mood, why not do it right. Starting my first ever phone plan off with a plan thats $120 a month. Before you think I'm crazy you have to consider;
- I got the iPhone 6 plus!
- 64 gb of storage
- Phone insurance in case something happens
The reason that I chose the 6 plus with 64 gb is because I straight away thought of how in the past I would always run out of memory. Its the worst thing ever when your a blogger and you always have to delete photos because your phone storage is full. This way with 64 GB I can have as many videos, songs and photos on my phone as I want. I can always keep my memorable photos, and that means a lot to me.
I thought signing up to a phone plan would be quite hard, but nope I was in and out of the store with my brand new phone within under 10 minutes.
In a way I thought I was quite rushed with choosing my phone options, so Im lucky I had a think about it before I went in.
I decided to go with optus because thats who I've been with forever.
Optus are great with coverage, and have reasonable plans. I also loved the fact that my phone plan came with 6 months of Netflix (goodbye little social life I have). I currently have Netflix but with the new downloaded app on my phone, I can watch it more often, YAY.
Okay lets get back to how amazing the iPhone 6 plus is. Here are some awesome features the phone has:
- 1920 x 1080 resolution
- 7.1 mm
- 5.5 inches
- Faster 4g LTE download speed
- Best camera to date by Apple
- Touch ID
- The biggest iOS release ever- iOS 8
Its just a brilliant phone, I am quite obsessed. The quality when I watch clips on my phone is unbelievable, and the features just make everything so much easier.
Being a blogger I really do need a camera that is good quality but at the same time quick and easy to operate and easy to take everywhere. Well you always have your phone with you, so why not take all of your images on your phone. Well with the 6 plus I can do this because the camera quality and focus is amazing.
I rate the iPhone 6 plus a 10/10, if you're considering an upgrade DO NOT be hesitant. I've gone from a 5 to a 6 plus and I do not regret it. It was the best choice EVER.
Now I'm all upgraded with the Apple family! I now have a iPad air 2014 model, and a Macbook Air 2014 model, as well as my brand new iPhone 6!
Thats close to $3000 in value for all these amazing Apple products.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Start the day off properly
Breakfast- The most important meal of the day.
As of lately, I keep hearing of people skipping breakfast more and more often. Do people not remember when we were told as kids that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
Well its not a myth guys, its a fact!
I've noticed more now that I'm grown and work full time hours often, that breakfast is so very important. An I can't stress that to anyone enough.
Breakfast is what fuels you for the day, so when you skip it and realise that around 11-12pm that you're feeling like crap and need a nap, remember WHY. Your body needs that energy in the morning, it needs to be waken up and given great food too boost your energy.
An do not get me started with kids and breakfast!!! Kids need a good breakfast before they go too school, its the number 1 priority. You can tell in a classroom which kids do and don't have breakfast in the morning. Because the kids who don't will be nearly falling asleep on their desk.
An its as simple as saying, kids who don't have breakfast in the morning have a massive more likely chance to fail then kids that do. Let me explain it too you;
Kids don't have breakfast in the morning> feel tired/uninterested/no energy> don't participate in learning> don't learn> fail.
S I M P L E.
OK, enough of the lecture haha. I've decided to share with you all what I have for breakfast as of lately.
- Golden syrup Oats with strawberries on top or
- Muesli with yoghurt and fruit
- Berry and banana smoothie with chia seeds on top
Picture perfect day- Hanging Rock
Hanging Rock.
Hanging Rock (Mt. Diogenes) is a rare volcanic formation located near the townships of Woodend & Mount Macedon in Victoria, Australia.
It is home of the Hanging Rock Cup & Races, and setting of the world renown novel & film Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is also home to various events and a wide array of native flora and fauna.
Macedon Ranges is one of my favourite places to adventure. Its the perfect place to plan a little get away day. Your surrounded by the beauty of nature, and theirs just so many attractions. I was taken to Mount Macedon and surroundings as a little kid for a weekend adventure. My dad lived in Gisborne so Mount Macedon wasn't very far at all. But he loved showing me forests and all the great places that were around Macedon Ranges. Maybe thats why all of these places have such meaning to me, because I would always come here as a kid. But all I know, is that I'll be taking my children and family here one day too- and hopefully it will follow on for generations and generations... because this beautiful place can't be forgotten.
So I decided that on my day off, I would take for an adventure with Jake. We really needed a day away from all of our stress and we needed to get back in touch with nature. So I thought that Hanging Rock would be the perfect place to visit. The night before I cooked in the kitchen and prepared for our picnic at Hanging rock ( ha ha get it). I packed a bag full of Jake and I's favourite snacks... mostly healthy of course.
Hanging rock is only about a 30 minute drive from my house, and the drive their is bliss.
I love driving through Gisborne as I used to live their and it bring back so many memories of the amazing town.
As we got to Hanging Rock we were a little bit shocked that you had to pay to get in now, but as I thought about it- its totally understandable. They need some sort of money too keep up the maintenance of the place, and also to pay the staff at the cafe and things like that. From what I can remember, for a car load it was $10.
As I started walking up the trail I remembered just how unfit I was, and thought to myself.... wow U really need to get back to the gym asap. But as we walked all the way to the top, I felt amazing. I was smiling ear to ear as I loved these sorts of views and walks. It took us a while to get up to the top as jake loves posing for a selfie... haha!
But it was honestly such a picture perfect day, and what I mean by that is its everything you see others posting about on Instagram when you think oooo, I need to go there.
I think its so very important that people remember to get outdoors and find some fresh air. We are often too caught up in everything social media and technology related. Its unhealthy for our wellbeing! Its time to get outdoors of a weekend, and remember all the fantastic places you went as a kid. Organise a picnic and make a spontaneous trip somewhere, it truly will do you good.
We took some great shots (iPhone camera at its best)!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Australian Fitness & Health Expo- TRADE DAY
I had the awesome opportunity to visit the Australian Fitness & Health Expo with a 3 day Media Pass. Today was the best time for me to visit, and it just happened to be the Trade day only. This meant only people who were in the fitness industry or people with media passes (like me) were allowed to visit on this day. I didn't mind because it meant it would be less busy, woo!
This Expo has been one of the expos I've been most excited about visiting. I heard the atmosphere is amazing, and theirs so many awesome products and well I heard right!!
As soon as we arrived at the expo I immediately was pumped and by the end of it I felt motivated as hell. Not only was good to get a little motivated, but was really good to meet new faces and find new brands, and well see some familiar faces. I was very excited to see a Derrimut Cafe stall and a few brands that I've blogged about before like Charlies Balls.
Little things like meeting the creator of Clean Treats (charlies balls) gets me really excited, I loved it.
Expos are great way to promote brands and products and thats exactly what I saw a lot of today. It was awesome that you could literally test everything. I think 90% of the stands let you either taste test, or test their product out. An this was great because you get to try before you buy, and at the end of the day you can put a taste to the product or you can say you've tried that new machine- whatever it may be. Its also a fantastic way to get exclusive sales, for expo guests only!
I remember seeing one stand that were selling their protein bars for a little more then 50% off the RRP, can't go wrong with that!
The next best thing about this expo was the entertainment and shows that they put on! I remember watching the Les Mills program and thinking wow, I really need to get my butt into gear. An thats apart of what this expo was about, it was about spreading that motivation and getting everyone inspired. Of course theirs the opportunity to meet some celebrities and get even more motivated but unfortunately I didnt get to today.
Remember that the expo is still running tomorrow & sunday. Tickets can be purchased online or as you arrive. Visiting this expo is so worth it, I had the best day today.
Can't wait to show everyone what was in my media bag, was packed full of awesome products!!! So keep updated as I'll be posting many reviews and sharing with you all whats hot right now.
xxxxxxxxx E.E.B
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Styling my new room!!
One of the biggest things I've been looking forward too with this move is styling my new room!
I have recently been a big fan of home decor inspiration. I love having a good old stalk on instagram and finding new account to inspire me. Honestly Instagram is a great way to become inspired and find plenty of fresh and trending ideas.
So I planned out my money situation and I only had quite a small budget for this whole restyling thing, so this meant I had to be smart about what and WHERE I was spending.
This meant for certain things I would go second hand and I would buy from cheaper stores.
The look i've been going for is very modern and fresh; White walls, white furniture and lots of green indoor plants. I love the idea of having a really bright room but also combining nature.
As I've said before in one of my posts, the way you decorate your room is so so so very important.
Your room is where most people spend majority of their time, its your environment! An well your environment has a very big impact on the way that you feel. Its extremely important to be happy with your environment and love your surroundings. For instance when you have a really messy, dirty room that can reflect on your behaviour and make you sort of in a lazy, uninterested mood.
So it was time to create a environment that I loved, something that reflected on me positively and made me feel bright, energetic and fresh.
So I started looking for my bed on gumtree and ebay, because having a second hand bed didn't bother me at all. The bed I was after was a bed from Ikea that was really simple but had four draws on the bottom for storage. LUCKILY, I found the exact bed on Gumtree for half price.
I got my but into gear, organised a way to pick it up and brought the bed!
But I had to incorporate my study desk, my TV, and a place for all the lovely plants I was planning on purchasing.
Thanks too K-mart I had the most perfect piece of affordable furniture to place all of my green plants. This was the latter shelving in the below photo.
Also a massive mention to Typo for some awesome Decor. The fairy lights and a few of the small fake pot plants were from Typo. Typos great for me because I have my 50% discount, so I'm able to get heaps of awesome stuff cheap!
The other large plants were from Bunnings, and they're indoor plants which means they don't need sun and they're able to live in shady places with not much light!
Bunnings is awesome for indoor plants and really reasonable with prices.
This little area is on the left of my wardrobe and my bed will be facing this little area. Which I think is a fantastic idea, because I'll have all these beautiful plants to wake up too in the morning.
Here is where I got extremely creative!
I love looking out the window of a night time and looking out at the stars, and I also love waking up in the morning to the early morning sunlight. Call me crazy but thats just me, so I could honestly live without a blind.
So I thought i'd pimp out my window a little more my creating this amazing drift wood feature with the milk jars hanging off. SO I've literally just hung a piece of drift wood and then tied all of the milk jars so they hang off of the drift wood. The milk bottles are filled with fresh soil just from Bunnings, and then I've put some fake plants in them that were brought from The Reject Shop. This way with the fake plants, I won't have to change the plants over often because they obviously won't die.
So again a special mention too Typo, Bunnings and The reject shop for this one.
Still a lot of redecorating to do, but I'm happy with the way its going. Two weeks till I move so I don't have long to have this room all pimped out!
Please if you have any inspiration you'd like to share, email me!
I love hearing everyone elses ideas because theirs a big chance i'll love them.
Stay H a p p y, and redecorate so you l o v e your environment.
Morning Glory River Resort

Evies everything hair, beauty & fashion
- Melbourne, Australia Sharing my opinion and creating reviews on "everything beautiful". Writing is a passion of mine and I'm forever wanting to try and experience new things too share with others. I'd love to hear from you, Enjoy!
Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs My much needed blissful night away Why have I never visited this beautiful place before?- Is what I ...
DERRIMUT GYM 24:7 (Caroline Springs) Believe in yourself I am a current member at Derrimut gym & have been for 3 years, and I WI...
Homemaker- 1.5L Glass Jug Blender K-marts catalogue:
Oh do I love a smoothie! I've been searching around for a convenient little smoothie maker before I went away on my little trip to mild...
What a great brand, again from the beautiful NZ. After 45 years, Barker’s of Geraldine is still on a corner of the family fa...
MOOCH + ME empower - nourish - create Mooch & Me is beyond a beautiful brand, selling Candles (soy wax) & body scrubs. ...
simple ingredients. nothing more, nothing less Beautiful, beautiful New Zealand. A place that I can almost call home. I have a lot...
Nutella Protein Squares treat yourself to something that good for you Lately I've been extremely naughty with snacking and eating n...
Designer Nappy Bags for Mums by Syndalia Whether you're stepping out to do the weekly shopping , or y...
Melbourne Zoo- GiveAway 2 Family Passes to be won! Haven't yet visited the Melbourne Zoo? Well you now have the chance to WIN...
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