Oil of morocco
What a life saving product.
Who can tell me that their hair is always
naturally silky and gorgeous after
every wash with their general
shampoo and conditioner?
and damage after using heat
on it often (straighteners, blow dryers), and natural heat like the sun! So every now and then we need a pick me up product that saves the day and REPAIRS your hair. Well my friends,
this professional hair care treatment range saves the day…. Or should I say week. It honestly left my hair feeling perfect for a whole week, that I didn't want it to get oily and wash it again. But luckily this product laaaasts, with only a tiny squeeze needed, after my first use it seemed as if I hadn't touched the bottle yet.
This product can be purchased in majority pharmacies, hair dressers and beauty stores. An I honestly recommend buying it 100%. May be a little more pricey then your average care treatment but it is so so worth it.
For more information visit:
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